Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Report From the Deep Freeze Part 2.

Recently there was a news article listing our town as one of the 15 coldest in the country.  So it's probably no surprise I have another post from the heart of the snow belt.

Not much has changed from my last report except that it is almost February now. The kids finally went back to school 3 days later than their break was supposed to be.

Midweek last week, all the districts around called off again, but the city schools did not, prompting outcries from many parents and a suggestion from the superintendent that parents invest in hats and gloves for their kids.

By Friday school was called again however, leaving the approach of the new week to be faced. Temps rose some over the weekend, mainly so it could snow more, which it did, resulting in massive white outs and much accumulation.

I was at work Saturday and took this picture from the window trying to show the lack of visibility.

Now the snow has stopped, but that actually bad news, as lack of cloud cover means  temps are steadily dropping to record lows. There was no school yesterday and  none today. No one knows for sure about Wednesday. Our governor is already calling for a one year increase on snow days.

As the local news site said"--it's not who will be closed, it's who will be dumb enough to be open."

My trash can looks very lonesome out at the curb.

Today we took the Boy back to school through frigid temps, although not a lot of traffic for a weekday since so much was closed. 

At least the sun was shining.

This week end we are supposed to warm up to a balmy 20, or bikini weather as the local DJ said. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the deep freeze though.

Update: The phone rang a little while ago and the school system came up on the caller ID. You guessed it, no school tomorrow. That's 7 snow days since New Year's Day.

This blog post is being added (somewhat belatedly) to the I Don't Like Mondays Blog Hop at Elleroy Was Here. Click on the button to see some great posts by other bloggers.

elleroy was here


  1. Yikes! That white out looks nasty! Reminds me of all the lake effect snow and driving through snow squalls on I-77! Try to stay warm!

  2. This weekend was the anniversary of the blizzard of 1978 which buried folks for more than a week, so compared to that we got off light I suppose, The kids went back to school on Thursday, after four days off. We are warming back up to the 20's and back to arguing with the kids about wearing coats instead of hoodies.
