Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankvember 13

Having been thankful yesterday for a day off, today I am thankful for a job. Taking 911 (and other) calls is a high stress and underpaid job, and certainly not what I set out to spend my life doing. But it provides a living wage, excellent job security, and decent benefit, particlarly the health insurance. I am well aware what difficulties there are for those who can't get or afford such insurance, and regard it as a major reason to stay put where I am. I could find a job that pays better, but it would mean sacrificing benefits and seniority. Also one is less willing to take such risk when there are kids in the house. I also know how many people are unemployed or underemployed and must deal with the ensuing problems, coupled with the contempt of unsympathic fellow citizens.

And I am grateful for the occasional chances to be truly useful between the hang up 911 calls and barking dog complaints, to talk people through crisis or get them the help they need.

So today I am grateful for this job.

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