Friday, March 7, 2014

From Ice to Nice

   Seems like only yesterday that my backyard looked like this:

 OK it wasn't yesterday, more like the day before.

But today it was, miracle of miracles, sunny and 55, and the world looked like this:

For the first time in months, I didn't have to bundle myself in my winter coat and hood, but  tossed caution to the (not howling today) winds
and went forth garbed only in my new Lefty Pop Hoodie,
to greet the sunshine.

It was so nice standing at the bus stop I was almost sorry when the bus arrived.
For the first time  in ages I looked forward to the walk to my destination after I got off.

There are rumors of some snow tomorrow, but the day after they are saying 40's.

I have too much experience of Ohio winters (wait 5 minutes, the weather will change) to think that it's all over. In fact there are rumors of snow tomorrow, and I will probably be back in the parka.
 But today was the first in a long time that really promised spring.

And that's as good a reason as one needs to celebrate.


  1. Hurray! Spring is that much closer. And this weekend, daylight saving time!

    1. Of course the forcast for this morning calls for snow. But at least when it snows in March, it melts in a few days.("getting better all the time")

  2. Same craziness here, Meg. Gorgeous yesterday, wintry mix today. Bah.

    By the way, do you use Picasa to get your pictures on here, or something else? Can you FB me about it when you get a minute, please?

    1. I hear is going to be 60 one day this week and 30 the next too Val. I'll feel better when the daffodils come.

  3. I feel ya, I can't remember grass.

    1. I saw grass yesterday, today there's snow over it again.

  4. It's cold, It's always going to be cold. It will never end. The winter that lasted forever.

    1. I keep holding out hope, but today is the first day of Spring and it was I have my doubts.
