Monday, March 31, 2014

A Book a Day from A-Z

I really enjoy doing theme blog hops and challenges. I like the discipline of writing daily or writing on a specific topic or in a particular style. That's one of the reasons I enjoy October Poetry Writing Month (OctPoWriMo) each Fall.  This year I have decided to take part in an A-Z challenge.  Each participant tries to blog daily (except Sundays) on a subject beginning with that date's letter of the alphabet. All the participants are linked up at a web site (see the link below for further details) and try to read at least one or two new blogs each day. Its a great way to encounter new ideas and writers, and it can be a lot of fun.

At the suggestion of my daughter, a book lover who puts even myself to shame,  I am going to blog about a book beginning with the appropriate letter of the alphabet.  Some will be old favorites that I have read many times, some will be books I haven't looked at since the children outgrew them, while others will be books I have just recently discovered.

As we journey through the month I will also write on other topics that come to mind for that particular letter.

I hope we will have fun this month, and hope to connect with other book lovers as well.

See you tomorrow for A...



  1. A book a day! Such a good idea. I decided not to do a theme and just wing it each day. Haha we'll see how that goes. Today, I actually wrote about my current reading list for my B post!

    1. Thank you Natasha. I wish I had the nerve to wing it, but I dont.
