Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OctPoWriMo day 17--the places I'd go...

I have travelled some...
Seen fine buildings
Great battlefields
Stood at the graves of
Famous men and women.

But there are places I have never been
That call to my heart.

I would stand on the Acropolis,
And think on the great continuum
Three thousand years of history
Bearing the name of the goddess of wisdom.

I would go to London
And muse on on the great people of history
Who walked these streets
Kings and queens
Artists,actors and writers.

I would go to Hungary
And find some of the family
My grandfather left behind
When he boarded the boat for America.

And I would go to Ireland
From whence my mothers people came.
No place calls to my soul more...
In their honor I would touch the sod.


  1. I hope you get to touch the sod someday.

    1. My mom didn't get there till she was 63 so I can keep hoping.
