Monday, October 28, 2013

Class Reunion (OctPoWriMo day 24)

I sit outside the restaurant for a moment,
Of course I am early
And don't wish to be the first.
For a moment I am fourteen, fifteen, sixteen again
Not quite sure of who I am
Let alone who I am going to be.
Then I straighten up
And remind myself
That it has been thirty five years
And whomever we are now
Its not what we were then.

I go in
There are hugs all around.
We have a great time.

Later, looking at the pictures
My mother says to me
"Do you know what I
Always liked about reunions?
No matter who you were back then
Geniuses, sports stars, prom queens,
You have seen real life
And you're all just people now."

This post is part of OctPoWriMo, my twist on a prompt to go back and remember a younger self. To see what other writers created, click here.


  1. So true. A very lovely poem describing a warm comforting realization.

  2. Thank you. Ron. Itt was a comforting realization. I had great time once I figured it out.
